Target Group
All identified personnel who are required to operate a Sideloader in the workplace.
The aim of this course is to bring candidates into line with accepted Codes of Practice approved by the Health and Safety Commission and regulations covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Sections 2 and 16.
Training Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course delegates will be able to:
Demonstrate a sufficient understanding of Sideloader safe working practices, and driving skills to complete a Health and Safety Executive approved Sideloader driving and theoretical test.
Course Content
The course content and duration varies according to candidates requirements and is as follows:
- 5-Day Basic Operator for people with no experience.
- 3-Day Basic Operator (Existing) for drivers with experience but no certificate of training.
- 1-Day Refresher Training, at suitable intervals as recommended by the Health and Safety Executive.
Achievement Measured
A Certificate of Training sometimes referred to as a licence is issued to successful candidates. Success is measured by a theoretical and practical test as recommended by the Health and Safety Commission.
General Information
All courses are Association of Industrial Truck Trainers (AITT), approved by HSE standards. References to HSE’s Safety in Working with Lift Trucks and Rider-operated Lift Trucks: Operator Training Approved Code of Practice.
Courses held on your site or ours for up to 3 candidates.
Days: 1, 3 or 5
Ratio: 3:1