Target Group
Those who have, or required to have ‘hands on’ knowledge and/or responsibilities involving the use of lifting equipment used within their operational environment.
The aim of the course is to provide selected delegates with basic underpinning knowledge of lifting and slinging to enable them to carry out their lifting operations in accordance with statutory requirements and without risk to health.
Training Objectives
By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the basic requirements of legislation, their legal obligations and responsibilities.
- Demonstrate knowledge of force influences, sling configurations and safety precautions.
- Estimate load weights.
- Select appropriate lifting equipment for each lift.
- Carry out pre-use inspection of lifting equipment.
- Use appropriate hand signals.
- Carry out successful lifting operations safely.
Course Content
- Definitions and Terminology – The responsible person. The competent person, working load limit, safe working load, factor of safety, mass and force units, test and examination, test and thorough examination etc.
- The Law Consideration of the requirements of the law under the health and Safety at Work Act, personal liability and legal obligations relating the use of lifting equipment. Includes an explanation of current British and European Law.
- Video – ‘Plan your slinging’ A systematic approach to slinging operations.
- Force Influences – How to calculate the forces present in slings and other lifting equipment under given loading conditions. Consideration of the ‘uniform load’ and ‘trigonometric rating of slings.
- Choosing the right sling for the job – Consideration of the different types of slings available, the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Pre-use Inspections.
- How much does it weigh? – The most fundamental question in any slinging operation. Guidance on the estimation of loads of unknown weight.
- Slinging accessories – Hooks, shortening clutches, rigging screws, wire rope grips etc. The correct choice and proper use.
- Slinging operations and assessments – Questions to ask, ‘Do’s and Don’ts’, crane signals and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Achievement Measurement
This one day course is carried out in accordance with the code of practice for the safe use of lifting equipment as published by LEEA, and includes practical lifting operation assessments leading to certification on successful completion.
Days: 1
Ratio: 6:1