Make sure your drivers have a recognised licence and up-to-date knowledge of current standards. These courses can help to increase competence and productivity, and reduce the number of accidents caused by under-qualified workers. Choose the appropriate courses from the list below.
Fork-Lift Truck Operator Basic and/or Refresher FL01
Suitable for all identified personnel who are required to use or responsible for work carried out involving the use of forklift trucks.
Fork-Lift Truck Instructor Development FL02
Those identified as potential forklift instructors on-site. Trainees must hold a valid certificate of training on the equipment they are required to teach on. They must have undergone a test by an accredited instructor within 12 months prior to the course, have the ability to adapt their approach to suit the needs of different trainees, be able to communicate effectively, and be able to lead and control.
Fork-Lift Truck Instructor FL03
Those identified as potential nationally recognised forklift instructors. Trainees must hold a valid certificate of training on a forklift truck. They must have undergone a test (or retest) by an accredited instructor within 6 months prior to the course.
Pedestrian Operated Pallet Trucks FL04
All identified personnel who are required to use or responsible for work carried out involving the use of Pedestrian Operated Powered Pallet Trucks. It is recommended that all operators should have the benefit of a formal course and test before operating a truck in a normal working environment.
Sideloader Training Course FL05
All identified personnel who are required to operate a Sideloader in the workplace.
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms FL06
Courses for experienced operators and/or novices. Programmes are designed to meet client needs and delivered on-site as and when required.