Target Group
All identified personnel who are required to/and or are responsible for assisting in the manoeuvring and loading/unloading of vehicles.
The aim of this course is to raise the awareness of candidates to the dangers caused when reversing and introduces the practical techniques and hand signals that will assist drivers in their manoeuvring.
Upon successful completion of the course delegates will be able to:
- Reverse vehicles into a confined space in a safe manner.
- Identify likely hazardous areas within a working environment.
- Demonstrate the recommended hand signals in accordance with HSE`s Workplace Transport Safety Guidance (HSG136).
- Guide large goods vehicles both rigid and articulated using the recommended hand signals as stated in the above guidance.
Course Content
The course content and duration varies according to candidate’s requirements and is as follows:
- Legal Requirements
- Case Studies
- Hazard Identification
- Site Safety
- Common Risks
- Written Assessment
- Practical Reversing & Parking
Achievement Measurement
A Certificate of Training is issued to successful candidates. Success is measured by a theoretical and practical assessment.
Days: 1/2 day
Ratio: 3:1