Manual Handling HS04

Target Group

All indicated personnel required to carry out and/or supervise Manual Handling operations.


The aim of this course is to introduce employees to hazards and risks associated with manual handling along with information on how to control and reduce both. Delegates will be provided with information and instruction so they can look at their own work activities.


On completion of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the term manual handling and all that it involves
  • Explain and understand how poor manual handling techniques can cause injury along with being able to give examples
  • Understand how to apply good techniques to be able to avoid injury
  • Understand the need for assessment and be able to contribute to where necessary
  • Demonstrate a good understanding of the Manual Handling Regulations

Course Content

This course covers and includes:

  • Manual handling injuries, what causes them, how to identify risk of injury occurring and how to control such activities
  • Practical demonstration of good and bad manual handling technique
  • DVD to confirm practical demonstration
  • Assessment and control options
  • Regulations to understand responsibilities


0.5 Days

Ratio: 8:1